

  • 2023-05-23 16:10
  • Freemium


  • Category : Prompt Guides


  • Free Tier offers: Unlimited documents
  • Unlimited BYO* completions
  • 25 GPT-4 completions
  • 50 indexed website pages per project
  • Public/private GitHub repos
  • Pro tier: Prompt templates
  • Model customization
  • 1000 GPT-4 completions
  • 200 indexed website pages per project
  • Advanced analytic


Enterprise-grade AI chatbots for your website and docs.

You can connect any source of content, from public websites to private GitHub repos, configure the design and tone, and paste the code to your website. In minutes, you have a chatbot that answers all your customers’ questions. If not, you will get notified and can take action.

There is a free-tier for Hobbists, and Paid plans for Pro users that need to scale up their usage. It also offers features such as feedback and analytics to help pinpoint shortcomings in content.
The source code is available on GitHub.