Recommend a Tool

Do you know about a tool that is missing from this site that we should know about?
Tell us about it below!

1) Please do a search on the site before submitting your tool to ensure that we don’t already have it listed.

2) We do review every tool manually before publishing it on the site. Do not submit your affiliate link to a tool. It will not be approved. Don’t waste your time.

3) We do not curate newsletters on this site. Only tools. Do not submit your newsletter link.

4) Submission does not entitle you to automatic listing! We are looking for novel tools and new use-cases of AI. Poorly built websites, tools that have been created a thousand times already, new tool aggregators, and spammy looking websites will not be approved.

5) Please Do NOT use bots or similar methods to cheat the upvoting system. We watch closely and flag websites that try to cheat the system! Don’t believe me? Sort by upvoted and scroll to the bottom of the list to see the tools that have been sandboxed for trying. You’ve been warned.

With all that out of the way, please share your info!
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